Am 1. Jänner 1922 trat das so genannte „Trennungsgesetz“ in Kraft, wodurch Niederösterreich die vollständige Souveränität als Bundesland erhielt. Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums lud die Bildungsdirektion NÖ zur Teilnahme an einer Reihe von Projekten und Wettbewerben ein.
Schon im Herbst gestalteten mehrere Klassen unserer Schule eine interessante Ausstellung anlässlich des „Landes-Geburtstages“ (Organisation: Christoph Helfer und Andrea Schmotz).

Die 3BK der Europa HAK setzten sich im PBGW-Unterricht auf ganz besondere Weise mit 100 Jahren blau-gelber Geschichte auseinander. English Native Speaker Margaret Teichmann, die die Schüler*innen mit Fachprofessor Christoph Helfer betreute, berichtet über das Projekt, das unter dem Titel „100 JAHRE NIEDERÖSTERREICH: KAUM-ZUM-DERPACKENDES PACKED IN TWO SCRAPBOOKS” (siehe Anhang) beim Kreativwettbewerb eingereicht wurde:
“In honor of the celebration of 100 years of Lower Austria Mr. Helfer and I wanted to capture and represent Lower Austria with a timeline from 1922 to 2022 in an all-encompassing manner.  
Our representation should include everything and anything possible related to all aspects of life in Lower Austria over the century. Researching and gathering bits of information about life during the century with our students generated a wide range of stuff, of which all was important. It was decided that the best way to present our information was in a scrapbook format. Each of our students were assigned pages covering a defined decade of years to work with. Several sessions and lessons were dedicated to planning, creating, and finally gluing the pages. Original materials were handled carefully using proper historic methods and modern items were glued down. A focus was made on information through interaction as well and envelopes were used to hold specific items providing hands-on opportunities. In reality, we were learning by doing as none of us had ever done such a project before.
The results amazed us! When the project was finished, we took time to study it and found out that the benefits of a scrapbook are wide reaching. You can immerse yourself into tokens, representations and evidence of a period of time in a personal and sharing way. What had begun as a massive undertaking had resulted something wonderful and informative. Our class had been able to capture moments, significant events and present evidence in a clever way, presenting 100 years of Lower Austria in two unforgettable volumes.
It was a pleasure to be part of this project!”

PDF icon scrapbook.pdf